Using the Wisdom of Yoga to Improve Our Daily Lives

Using the Wisdom of Yoga to Improve Our Daily Lives
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As a yoga teacher I usually get asked if yoga has any real benefits. What many of people practicing yoga do not realize is that yoga is not a mere exercise thing! It is a way to find your real selves. It helps you to achieve that much required inner peace and even lose weight – especially as it helped me connect with my soul and even helped me shed those extra pounds. It helped me realize that everything I need is there inside of me. 

My class almost laughs with disbelief and total surprise, whenever I share this with them. So in this article, I want to share the real life benefits of yoga with you that can help you develop as an overall human being. 

Understanding the wisdom of yoga!

Whether it is weight loss, a strong and flexible body, glowing beautiful skin, peaceful mind or good health, yoga has it all on offer. Unfortunately, we understand yoga as being limited to asanas and fail to realize the immense benefits that yoga offers in uniting and strengthening the mind, body and soul.
You can make your journey of life calmer, happier and more fulfilling by following the path of yoga. 

Let’s explore the health benefits of yoga in our daily lives:-

What all is required is to practice yoga with patience. What goes around comes around and so is the case with yoga. By practicing yoga, in return, you too can get the virtue of patience as a gift. With all this and much more to offer, the benefits of yoga are felt in a profound yet subtle way. Read on to find out the top benefits of rolling out the mat.

Ø  Yoga for inner peace:

“Happiness is the new rich, inner peace is the new success, health is the new wealth and kindness is the new cool”

Your mind is a remarkable gift of nature but it can get little pesky sometimes. Have you ever tried to free yourself from over-thinking? It is definitely harder than it sounds. The Inner peace and the inner silence are two companions that go hand in hand in order to help you get into the brand new world of calmness and happiness. Although silence is almost underrated and is almost impossible to find but after starting the practice of yoga even I realized how advantageous it can be in order to connect you to your real selves. 

You can absolutely go about this, through meditation! It is a very good way to cleanse your mind and think more positively. It can help you overflow with joy and bliss on a daily basis.

Ø  Yoga for complete fitness: 

Yoga is a complete package with good health. If you are not comfortable in doing the tough postures, you can always practice pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditation. Being a regular practitioner one can experience the numerous benefits of yoga. Some noticeable ones are:
·         Gives mental strength and peace
·         Improves physical strength
·         Protection from injury
·         Detoxification of body

Ø  Never mind if you are not flexible enough: 

Improved flexibility is one of the most obvious benefits that yoga offers. Maybe during your first class you won’t be able to touch your toes, never mind do a backbend that requires less flexibility in comparison. But if you stick to practice yoga you will see that how seemingly impossible poses becomes possible.

Ø  Strong muscles do more than good looks:

Yoga helps in building muscles. Yoga not only makes you look good, but it also protects you from the conditions like arthritis and back pain. Also, it helps prevent falls in elderly people. 

Ø  Desire of many – Weight Loss:

Two years back during one of my yoga workshops - a participant – told me her story of losing those extra pounds. She was working as senior manager in some IT firm – a wonderful situation to an outsider, but underneath she was suffering with negative relationships with alcohol and food.
I asked what made the difference. She responded, “After a particularly bad night, she contacted a weight loss organization and followed their weight loss program”. She found that it was well-complemented by yoga. She had been going through a tough time dealing with those negative habits and the powerful combination of the yoga retreat allowed her to gain her original shape back. 
Yoga is an easy way to weight loss. Sun salutations are one of the best yoga practices that can benefit you. 

Do you know - Doing 12 sets of Sun Salutation translates into doing 288 powerful yoga poses in a span of 12 to 15 minutes.

Amazing, Right? It is purely a perfect example of how good things come in small packages.
In all, remember, yoga is a continuous process. The deeper you dig into the practice of yoga the more you get out of it and more profound will be its benefits. When you are open to such positive change, you are open to saying yes to more.

Don’t forget to share with us - How has yoga brought a change in your life?

Author Bio:
Hi! I’m Nancy Wile, an advanced yoga teacher and the founder of Yoga Education Institute California. I do my best to help all my students find a sense of ease and mindfulness in each posture that they can then incorporate into other aspects of their lives.  I want you to come and join yoga workshops as you are and have some fun, and know that everything you need is right there inside of you.


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